Welcome to the 4EverNaDayEnt family. TdotMarley a strong willed artist raised on old school funk, hard core Hip- Hop, and soulful R&B.  musical roots into a new groove of music spelled out as Funky  Hip- Hop. Raised in the depths of St. Louis north countys Dellwood, Hazelwood, and Ferguson district this young man has witnessed a struggle unparalleled. After losing two siblings in two years these three brothers formed a bond stronger than ever. As your introduced to TdotMarley  slowly your body is held captive by the story, the feeling, the style a young man from St. Louis Mo. Bringing you the best word play of creative thoughts of the emotions of young black youth in America. Let the 4EverNaDayEnt introduce you to the temperament of a true St. Louis native. We look forward to engraving clips of our music into your lifes soundtrack.